Statement by Mrs. Sylvia Bongo Ondimba, First Lady of Gabon. OAFLA, Kigali, July 18, 2016

Sylvia Bongo Ondimba
2 min readJul 18, 2016


First Ladies of Africa,

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

“2016 has been declared the African Year of Human Rights with Particular Focus on the Rights of Women”

To defend the rights of women is to advocate for a more egalitarian society, where mothers and their children can play their full part in good health.

It is to allow the women of our continent to live and give life AIDS-free.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Every minute, six people under 25 are infected with HIV-AIDS. In Africa, almost half of children infected by their mothers die before their second birthday.

We know these figures but it is worth recalling them again. It should be remembered that the spread of HIV is particularly dramatic for children.

We must take action. Take action now and urgently. Together Ladies, take action together!

The mobilization must continue and intensify. We must strengthen our advocacy efforts that in the future no child is born with HIV.

We must go further and attack the root causes of this plague and focus on what needs to be done!

Restoring our cultural values to the heart of our societies.

Raising awareness and educating our young people on the risks of early and unprotected sexual activity which is a significant mode of HIV contamination among adolescents.

In my country, there are almost 5000 people living with this virus. Girls are particularly affected: they represent 65% of new infections among young people aged 15-to-24.

I believe that family values are the best defense against the transmission of HIV.

We need loving families but also families engaged in the education and protection of their children.

We need men and women to guide and teach our young people faced with the risks related to promiscuity and precocious pregnancy.

Responsible men and women who make the choice to be role models.

To protect our women and young people is to ensure their autonomy. It is to encourage the development of an entire community and, by the same token, of a nation.

Together, everything is possible!

Thank you.

